Monday 27 May 2013

Roquefort, sun-dried tomato and rosemary fougasse

A  fougasse is a leaf- shaped loaf from the South of France.  It can be made plain or flavoured with your favourite ingredients: herbs, cheese, fruit - anything you like.

This recipe makes 2 loaves


For the bread:
  • 500g strong white bread flour
  • 2tsp salt
  • 7g fast-action dried yeast
  • 300ml water
  • 4tbsp fresh rosemary
  • 100g roquefort cheese
  • 6 sun-dried tomatoes
Mix the flour, salt and yeast in a bowl.  Add water and knead.  The dough should not be sticky, but soft and light.
Roll the dough out, sprinkle with two tablespoons of chopped rosemary, crumbled roquefort cheese and 4 chopped, sun-dried tomatoes.  Shape into a ball and knead for couple of minutes.
Dived the dough into two same size balls, then roll out into oval shape, then place on baking tray (floured or line with paper) and cut four slashes on each side of the loaf, to make it look like a leaf.
Open out the slashes (or pull the dough slightly from both sides) as they will close up a little when the dough rises.
Sprinkle with remaining rosemary and sun-dried tomatoes and leave for 30-45 minutes to rise.
Pre-heat the oven to190C and place a small baking tray filled with water, on the bottom of the oven. Bake for about 30 minutes.


Find 'How to make a perfect loaf?' in my baking tips- here.

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